Team Building

War Cry
It could be a song to intimidate the other opponent and it becomes a signature of your group.
Break the ice
Number of participants – all
Time: 5 minutes
Fun Aerobics
This is also an icebreaker and it involves all the participants.
Number of participants – all
Circles & Squares
This is where a team of ten participants or so is blind folded while standing in a circle. They are then
asked to make a square.
- Communication skills
- Defining the course
- Managing change
- Time management
Time: 5 minutes
Number of participants 10 – 20 pax
Match Sticks
Giant match sticks are arranged in different shapes. Participants are expected to arrange and re-
arrange them to create other shapes within the shortest time possible.
- Time management
- Managing crisis
- Team work
Time: 5 minutes
Number of participants
Toxic Waste
This is where the team is put to task to move containers with “toxic liquids” from point A to B without holding the actual container.
Areas covered
- Team work
- Communication
- Efficiency
- Time management & managing crisis
Time: 5 minutes
Number of participants: Groups of 4×2 or all!
Spaghetti & Gum
Teams are supplied with chewing gum and dry Spaghetti in an attempt to build the biggest pillar.
Areas covered
- Strategic management
- Problem solving
- Workable Sops
Time: 10 minutes
Number of participants: All team members
Barrel of Fun
Participants are given containers to fill in water at the shortest time possible
Areas covered
- Endurance
- Problem solving
- Workable Sops
Time: 5 minutes
Number of participants: All
Hula Hoops Race
The team members are set in a single file area asked to move the hula hoops from point A to B
Areas covered
- Planning
- Concepts mastering
- Communication
Time: 5 minutes
Number of participants: All
Balloon Throwing
This involves equal number of members from each team throwing watered balloons from one
participant to another till there is only one team left with whole balloon
Areas covered
- Team work
- Fun
- Determination
Time: 10 minutes
Number of participants: All
Jockey Races
Race of a blind folded couple lifting shoulder high a seeing one. The curried participants Leeds the
other blinded. The distance and the efficiency to reach the target detains the winning team
Area Covered
- Poor leadership
- Undefined goal
- Time wasters
Time 5 minutes
Number of participants 2 from each team
Ping pong travel
Involves shifting of the Table tennis ball from one point to the other by means of a pipe
Area Covered
- Strength Stamina (breath)
- Efficiency
Time 5 minutes
Number of participants 4 from the team
Potato field
A blinded team member picks the most potato by putting them in the tacked in t-shirt while the team members direct him/she and encourages him through the war cry Full of fun and is hilarious.
Areas covered
- Directives
- Coaching
- Encouragement
- Leadership
Time 10 minutes
Number of participants 1 per team
Tyre rugby
This rugby through car tyres involving two members of the team
Areas covered
- Strength
- Skills
- Target are required
- Time
Time 10 minutes
Number of participants 2x 4
Drunken delight
Blinded participant goes round the post 5 times before being lead to the to the target.
Areas covered
- Howto over unclear Task & goals
- Avoiding time wasters
Time 10 minutes
Number of participants 2 per team